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Купить книгу На крыльях откровений Нового Завета, автора Дмитрия Митницкого
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На крыльях откровений Нового Завета
Эта книга поднимает нас на крыльях простых, но глубочайших откровений Нового Завета. Иисус говорит лично с каждым из нас через Свое Слово. С высоты Божьего полета мы сможем увидеть гораздо больше, чем с Земли.
Купить книгу Послания апостолов. Издание 3-е, автора И. М. Носова
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Послания апостолов. Издание 3-е
Данная книга – третье издание моего опубликованного на Ridero в 2017 г. перевода с древнегреческого языка «Деяний апостолов». Перевод сделан с классического издания Nestle-Aland, Stuttgart, 1993.
Купить книгу Мой путь Богов, автора
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Мой путь Богов
Эта книга – практическое пособие для ищущих, кто еще не пробудился и кому нужны ответы на важные для них вопросы. Книга поможет проснуться, пробудить силу кундалини, внутренние резервы человека. Я открываю секреты силы, ее суть и то, что собой представляет магия по-настоящему.
Купить книгу Христос. Послания пробуждающемуся человечеству. Книга 1. Живое Слово, автора Елены Новосвит
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Христос. Послания пробуждающемуся человечеству. Книга 1. Живое Слово
«Помолись Отцу, Который втайне, и Отец твой, видящий тайное, воздаст тебе явно». Именно это изречение из Евангелия стало для меня основой. Именно молитва «Отче наш» и глубокая вера в Творца Вселенной позволили реализовать это изречение в моей жизни и стали для меня той Дверью, что открыла иные возможности познания мира – через яснослышание, через нормальное состояние любого осознающего верно мир человека. Именно через молитву я получила этот дар – возможность общения с духовным миром Космоса.
Купить книгу The Power of Compassion: A Collection of Lectures, автора
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The Power of Compassion: A Collection of Lectures
Based on the Dalai Lama’s talks in London this ebook addresses the current difficulties facing humanity including: racial hatred, gender and environmental protection.Modern life is so full of confusion and suffering that people need the courage to face their anger and hatred, in order to transfrom their lives and relationships.This ebook describes in a clear and simple style how to live and die well and how to bring wisdom and compassion into our everyday lives.‘Genuine compassion is based on a clear acceptance or recognition that others, like oneself, want happiness and have the right to overcome suffering. On that basis one develops concern about the welfare of others, irrespective of one’s attitude to oneself. That is compassion.’The Dalai Lama
Купить книгу The Journey: A Practical Guide to Healing Your life and Setting Yourself Free, автора Brandon  Bays
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The Journey: A Practical Guide to Healing Your life and Setting Yourself Free
The Journey is a simple, revolutionary set of techniques that has freed thousands from lifelong emotional and physical blocks – from addiction, depression and low self-esteem to chronic pain and illness.The Journey was born of Brandon Bays’ extraordinary experience of healing from a football-sized tumour, without drugs or surgery, in 6 weeks. Forced to go beyond the limits of known alternative therapies (she had been working in mind/body healing for two decades) she was catapulted into a remarkable, soul searching and ultimately ground-breaking healing journey. She pioneered a remarkable healing technique that guides us directly to the root cause of a longstanding difficulty– emotional or physical–and then gives us the tools to resolve it.At the most sophisticated nexus of mind-body healing today, the Journey offers a simple imaginative process that is a revolutionary way to actually access memories held in specific parts of the body, bringing the latest findings of energy medicine into a fast, effective technique that anyone from a child to a CEO can use.
Купить книгу The Intention Experiment: Use Your Thoughts to Change the World, автора Lynne  McTaggart
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The Intention Experiment: Use Your Thoughts to Change the World
Ever wondered if your intentions, prayers or wishes have a real, calculable effect on the world? Here, from Lynne McTaggart, groundbreaking author of ‘The Field’, comes riveting accounts of scientific investigations and real case histories with evidence that we are all connected and our intentions can be harnessed as a collective force for good.For the last 40 years renegade scientists, experimenting with the limits of quantum physics, have made seemingly impossible discoveries. 1966: a lie-detector expert accidentally discovers that plants can read thoughts. 1982: meditating Buddhist monks in the Himalayas turn their bodies into a human furnace. 1994: a psychologist's experiments reveal a stream of light flowing from healers during healing.These events form part of an extraordinary scientific story and revolutionary discovery – that thought is a thing that affects other things.In The Intention Experiment, Lynne McTaggart, author of the international bestseller The Field, joins forces with a team of international, renowned scientists to test the effects of focused group intention on scientifically quantifiable targets – animal, plant and human.The Intention Experiment is a truly revolutionary book that invites you, the reader, to take part in the greatest intention experiment in history. The results of McTaggart's 'global laboratory' started with the focused intention that made a geranium leaf glow to evidence to show that group intention is powerful enough to affect targets more than 5000 miles away and may even affect global warming.These remarkable results prove human thought and intention has the power to focus our lives, heal our illnesses, clean up our communities and improve the planet. This book also shows you how to harness that power to make changes in your own life.
Купить книгу The Dalai Lama’s Little Book of Inner Peace, автора
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The Dalai Lama’s Little Book of Inner Peace
A wonderful collection of inspirational thoughts on life, death and rebirth, giving the reader an intimate personal portrait of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in his own words. This ebook shows us how to embrace love and compassion in our everyday lives.This is a wonderful collection of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s thoughts on a wide range of important subjects, including the world today, the different world views of faith, science and religion and the nature of life, death and rebirth.The first section of the book is autobiographical, providing an intimate personal portrait of the Dalai Lama in his own words, discussing his studies, the invasion of Tibet, his meeting with Mao and his views on everything from travelling in China to his perspective on Gandhi.
Купить книгу Inside the Supernatural, автора Jean  Ritchie
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Inside the Supernatural
Out of body? Out of mind? Reality or unreality?All of us have experienced the inexplicable, have known elements of the unknown. but is there really anybody out there? What is the evidence to support the theory of life after death, telepathy or psychokinesis? Do scientists believe in crisis visions, ghosts and mediums? Is there a rational explanation for even the most mysterious of ghostly apparitions?INSIDE THE SUPERNATURAL takes nothing for granted, neither believes nor disbelieves; it is quite simply the most comprehensive and readable analysis of the evidence for and against. containing a riveting account of the latest scientific evidence and research – and the latest case histories – it is compelling reading for anyone with an interest in the supernatural.
Купить книгу Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, автора
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Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Note that due to the limitations of some ereading devices not all diacritical marks can be shown.BKS Iyengar’s translation and commentary on these ancient yoga sutras has been described as the “bible” of yoga.This edition contains an introduction by BKS Iyengar, as well as a foreword by Godfrey Devereux, author of Dynamic Yoga.Patanjali wrote this collection of yoga wisdom over 2,000 years ago. They are amongst the world’s most revered and ancient teachings and are the earliest, most holy yoga reference.The Sutras are short and to the point – each being only a line or two long. BKS Iyengar has translated each one, and provided his own insightful commentary and explanation for modern readers.The Sutras show the reader how we can transform ourselves through the practice of yoga, gradually developing the mind, body and emotions, so we can become spiritually evolved.The Sutras are also a wonderful introduction to the spiritual philosophy that is the foundation of yoga practise.The book is thoroughly cross-referenced, and indexed, resulting in an accessible and helpful book that is of immense value both to students of Indian philosophy and practitioners of yoga.
Купить книгу It’s A Miracle: Real Life Inspirational Stories, Extraordinary Events and Everyday Wonders, автора Richard  Thomas
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It’s A Miracle: Real Life Inspirational Stories, Extraordinary Events and Everyday Wonders
Richard Thomas, most famous for his portrayal of John Boy in the US television series The Waltons, presents his own selection of inspirational real-life stories of everyday miracles that have touched people’s lives, from amazing acts of heroism to miraculously answered prayers.Either astonishing coincidences, answered prayers, or amazing acts of heroism, the stories in It’s a Miracle range from angel encounters to extraordinary animal stories, from amazing rescues to remarkable medical recoveries – all inspirational tales to raise the spirits.With a foreword by Richard Thomas, this is a selection of his favourite stories (featured in his US television series, It’s a Miracle).The stories include: a man whose nightmares end after they help him save a woman’s life… a woman whose beloved dog was injured and lost during airline travel – and the woman who brought them together again… orphaned best friends, separated in childhood, who rediscover each other years later when one walks into a restaurant and sits down at the counter – next to her long-lost friend.
Купить книгу Life Lessons from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, автора Робина Шармы
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Life Lessons from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
101 inspirational lessons on how to achieve true happiness, find fulfilment and live peacefully and meaningfully every day, from Robin Sharma, leading life coach and author of the multi-million-copy bestseller The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.How can one achieve true happiness? Is it possible to with joy, passion and purpose every day? It is – and this potent book, with its powerful life lessons and profound wisdom, can show you how.Here Robin Sharma, one of the world’s leading life teachers and bestselling authors, takes you on a journey towards a new way of living, allowing you to re-purpose your time to make every day meaningful.Offering simple solutions to life’s most frustrating challenges, this is a guide to rebalancing the conflicting forces in your life. Its lessons include:• How to discover your calling• How to see your troubles as blessings• How to enjoy the path – not just the rewards• How to live fully, so you can die happyThis is a truly remarkable book that you will treasure for a lifetime.